East Cork writer and Galway based Elizabeth Power has a BA (Hons) in Women’s Studies from National University of Galway, Ireland (1996) and an MA (Hons) in Writing (2007).
She has won and been placed in several international and national short story competitions including the Swift Satire International Writing Competition, Dromineer International Literary Flash Fiction Competition, and Maria Edgeworth Literary Festival, 2018 June Fest Short Story Competition.
Her poetry and fiction have been published widely in Irish literary journals, including Crannóg, The Moth, Skylight 47 and Noir By Noir West, Arlen House, The Holly Bough, Three Drops From a Cauldron (UK) and Sheela Na Gig (US).
She has worked in the domestic violence sector in County Galway since 1992 and is the Coordinator of Domestic Violence Response since 2000.
“‘Dramatic and powerful gothic story ‘
Winner of June Fest short story 2018
“Tight, spare, writing and lightness of touch lifted the winning entry clear of the pack.
The Jonathan Swift Satire Competition,
First Place Winner
Title: ‘Oh Come all Ye Faithful’
GRANTA UK Memoir Course Completed, August 2024
‘Galway Girl’, Short Story featured in Ireland's Own, March 2024
Nominated for the Pushcart Prize for Short Story The Nag, December 2023
'True North' flash fiction published in Crannog issue 59, Autumn 2023
‘Gathering Rosebuds’ featured in Sunday Miscellany, 2023
‘The Nag’ Publishing in the Spring Edition of Trasna (Irish-American Journal), 2023
‘The God Who Hated Women’, translated into Italian and published in Innoki, 2020
Featured reader at ‘Not the Time To Be Silent’ poetry event, 2020
‘Gaia’, a poem published in ‘Galway Then and Now’, 2020
‘This Leafy Ever Green’, poem published in Vox Gavia, Galway Advertiser, 2020
Gothic Tale 'Storm Raiser' winner of the Newbridge June Fest Short Story Competition, 2020
Monologue piece ‘Mango’ by Elizabeth Power performed by Theatre Room, Galway Arts Centre, 2019